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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Jan 11, 2010

(December 8, 2009) Jennifer Lahl founded the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network 10 years ago; as a nurse and bioethicist, she is deeply concerned with medical progress at the expense of ethics and safety.  She serves on Ruth Institute's Academic Advisory Board and appears in this segment of "Issues After Dark" to discuss egg harvesting from the donor's persepective.  (Part 2 of this interview is available here.)  Calla Papademas' experience with the fertility industry, referenced in the podcast, is available here.

baby2mom Egg Donation
over fourteen years ago

I have listened to Calla Papademas\' relay of her experience with respect to being an egg donor and her response to the appeal to become an egg donor. This is a very sad and deeply distressing account.

Fortunately egg donors in South Africa are monitored constantly and have access 24/7 to the ferility doctors. There is no additional fee for their services to the egg donors and prior to emabarking on an egg donation program, they undergo an extensive screening process - which includes a full assessment and medical account by different individuals.

Furthermore, egg donors are able to sign a consent form to donate their eggs in a confidential environment away from their office or home, where they have had extensive time to have had the entire process explained to them at length and plenty oppportunity to ask as many questions as are needed to be completely comfortable.