Oct 19, 2009
(October 13, 2009) Support for same-sex civil unions is on the rise among Americans, according to Greg Smith of the Pew Forum, though many Americans still oppose them. What does this mean? Dr J and Todd Wilken discuss some of the different ways to interpret the data on Issues,...
Oct 17, 2009
(October 2-3, 2009) This is a 15 minute talk that Dr J presented to the CNP Action, Inc., meetings in Austin, TX this past week. CNP Action is a sister organization to the Council for National Policy and is chaired by Phyllis Schlafly. The talk discusses similarities of the Same Sex Marriage movement not only to...
Oct 5, 2009
(October 2, 2009) Just when we think that the Hollywood film community has completely turned its back on basic Christian values, a man like Eduardo Verástegui emerges and brings with him the movie "Bella," a powerful message of truth and charity.
Oct 2, 2009
(September 29, 2009) What happens when artificial reproduction procedures go horribly wrong?