Nov 30, 2009
(November 24, 2009) Dr J and Todd Wilken meet on Issues, Etc. to discuss no-fault divorce and its 40-year legacy in Canada and the United States. The discussion was sparked by Dr. Anne-Marie Ambert's report on the subject, "Divorce: Facts, Causes, and...
Nov 23, 2009
(November 17, 2009) DC Catholic Charities has been issued an
ultimatum by the City Council: change your views on homosexuality,
or we won't allow you to participate in city contracts that aid the
poor. The council is trying to paint the situation as
inflexibility on the part of the charities. Dr J
Nov 20, 2009
(November 17, 2009) Dr J appears on Issues, Etc. to discuss this morning's Barbara Walters/Sarah Palin interview and the ongoing reaction to Sarah Palin herself. She's a very polarizing figure, even though she seems to fit the definition of a modern woman in many ways: mom of a large family, high-profile job...
Nov 17, 2009
(November 11, 2009) The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops has been pushing for universal healthcare in America since the 1950's. However, the current crop of legislation includes taxpayer funding for abortion. Dr J unpacks their stance on the bill in this segment of Issues, Etc.