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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Aug 31, 2012

(August 28, 2012) Drs Angela and David Franks appear with Scott Landry on the radio show "The Good Catholic Life" to discuss Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body." The Franks teach at the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization at St. John's Seminary.

"The Good Catholic Life" is also on Facebook--check...

Aug 30, 2012

(August 29, 2012) Dr J and Dr Gary Gates participate in a debate on the definition of marriage at UCLA. Dr. J, of course, is founding president of the Ruth Institute; Dr. Gates is a research associate at the Williams Institute at UCLA, a public policy research organization. The event was sponsored by the school's...

Aug 29, 2012

(July 28, 2012) Dr. Angela Franks, Director of Theology Programs for the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization at St. John’s Seminary in Massachusetts, spoke at our annual student conference "It Takes a Family to Raise a Village." Her talk is entitled "Margaret Sanger and the Dark Origins of the Sexual...

Aug 27, 2012

(July 28, 2012) Paul Diamond, a barrister in the United Kingdom who has established a specialized practice in the law of religious liberty, spoke at our annual student conference "It Takes a Family to Raise a Village." His talk is entitled "The Crisis of Religious Liberty in the U.K."

ITAF is a scholarship-based...

Aug 24, 2012

(July 28, 2012) Tom Peters, Cultural Director at the National Organization for Marriage, social media activist and blogger, spoke at our ITAF conference--his second talk is called "Using Facebook & Twitter to Defend Marriage."

"It Takes a Family to Raise a Village" is a scholarship-based three-day event in San Diego...