Oct 23, 2012
(October 20, 2012) Dr. J speaks on the healthcare mandate, Catholicism, and Religious Freedom at the Rally for Religious Freedom in San Diego.
Oct 19, 2012
(October 18, 2012) Dr. J speaks at St. Gertrude's Catholic Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, on marriage and the family.
Oct 11, 2012
(October 10, 2012) Dr. J and Austin Muck, are guests of Sheila Liaugminas on Relevant Radio's "A Closer Look." They're discussing the essential public purpose of marriage--why government is involved in the institution at all. Austin interned at the Ruth Institute as part of the Alliance Defending Freedom's...
Oct 10, 2012
(October 6, 2012) Dr. J speaks on marriage, economics, and social issues at a workshop on civic responsibility to Opus Dei, a Catholic women's organization, from Pasadena, California.