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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Apr 11, 2014

(April 3, 2014) This is a neat story--Jennifer Thieme is part of a conference at Notre Dame called "For Richer, For Poorer, For Children: The Definition and Importance of Civil Marriage," was organized by Michael Bradley, a senior at Notre Dame and a member of the ITAF class of 2013.

Apr 9, 2014

(March 19, 2014) Dr J travels to Cleveland to speak at a gathering of Catholic CEOs & their spouses on "The Sexual Revolution and its Victims" and how we can assist with cleaning up the aftermath.

Apr 5, 2014

(March 19, 2014) Dr J travels to Cleveland to speak at a gathering of pro-life lawyers about the many ways the sexual revolution has altered our cultureā€¦and the way forward in the face of so much hurt.

Apr 4, 2014

 (March 17, 2014) This is a neat story--Dr J's part of a panel at Notre Dame on the role of the Catholic Church in the cultural and political debate surrounding marriage. The discussion, "Marriage, the Church, and the Common Good," was organized by Michael Bradley, a senior at Notre Dame and a member of the ITAF class...

Apr 3, 2014

(March 7, 2014) Dr J speaks to the faculty of St Joseph's Academy on three questions: what is the sexual revolution? How does the same-sex so-called "marriage" issue fit into the big picture of the sexual revolution? And finally: what are we going to do about it?