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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Dec 15, 2017

(November 18, 2017) We're live at Mass Resistance's "Teens4Truth" conference at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas! Dr J's interviewing fellow family justice warrior Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, who is as big a thorn in the side of Sexual Revolutionaries as Dr. J. herself. Dr. Lopez was raised by...

Oct 3, 2014

(September 15, 2014) Jennifer Johnson appears on RadioFree Rocky D to discuss the movement toward gay birth certificates--that is, gender-neutral with regard to the parents--with Rocky D.

Sep 10, 2014

(September 9, 2014) Dr J is Todd Wilkin's guest on Issues, Etc., where they discussed the case for marriage in light of the arguments before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals about the impact of genderless marriage on children. Check out more of Todd's interviews over at the on-demand archives at

Sep 3, 2014

(September 2, 2014) Dr J is Todd Wilkin's guest on Issues, Etc., where they discussed AB 1951, California's so-called "gay birth certificate" bill making its way through the state legislature at the moment. Check out more of Todd's interviews over at the on-demand archives at

Feb 1, 2013

(January 29, 2013) Dr J appears on Issues, Etc, where she and Todd Wilken discuss the pressure on the Boy Scouts to lift their restrictions on homosexual leaders and participants.