May 31, 2024
The term ex-gay might seem as mythical a creature as the unicorn, but in all actuality, there are more people today that are living as ex-gays than there are as gays. Fr. Sullins has explored this with two colleagues in a recently published paper Today, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse...
May 24, 2024
The desire to be a mother came to Daisy Strong after she had undergone a double mastectomy and started taking wrong sex hormones. The desire must have been shocking, because she had told herself that she would never get pregnant; she was going to be a man. And as everyone knows, men can’t get pregnant. But if the...
May 21, 2024
Dr. Morse joins Trending with Timmerie to discuss defining women, and how Justin Bieber is not a father.
May 17, 2024
Gender Studies programs focus on the women's victimhood and how to remedy that (usually through Marxist means). That's a problem because it doesn't focus on what women are and can give, are, or their potential. Enter the Catholic Gender Studies program. Leah Jacobson and Kevin Stuart discuss the roles of gender with Dr....
May 10, 2024
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In an age where many women have decided that having children is not worth it, there are women all around the country who have...