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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Apr 29, 2011

(April 25, 2011) Dr J hosts "From the Front Lines of the Culture War" on Catholic Radio of San Diego.  She interviewed Reverend Walter Hoye, a prominent pastor in the pro-life movement who ministers in Oakland, California.  He was arrested and imprisoned for his pro-life ministry near a Planned Parenthood clinic.  Check...

Apr 28, 2011

(April 25, 2011) You're listening to Dr J "From the Front Lines of the Culture War" on Catholic Radio of San Diego, where she's discussing local and national headlines of particular significance to the marriage movement.  Check out for more information on the show and what else is going...

Apr 27, 2011

(April 18, 2011) After Dr J's talk at Stanford University, she took questions and answers from the students in attendance.  They had quite the lively discussion...  Please be advised--some of these questions may be overly explicit for very young listeners.

Her talk beforehand is available

Apr 27, 2011

(April 18, 2011) Dr J gave this talk at Stanford University's Anscombe Society on the reasons for marriage, and the ways in which it shapes society and the next generation.

She also took questions afterward--check out today's second podcast for that...

Apr 26, 2011

(April 18, 2011) Dr J gave this talk, "Loved Into Existence," at UC Davis Law School.  She explains the ancient Christian teachings on marriage and love and the scientific and social support for these views.  She also details how societies built on intact families have less need for larger government.