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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Jul 22, 2018

(July 22, 2018) Dr J is a guest of Hunter Forman on his podcast "Everything Like Such As." They're discussing the sexual revolution, the genesis of the Ruth Institute, and its ongoing work.

This podcast is a rebroadcast of two segments of Hunter's podcast "Everything Like Such...

Jul 17, 2018

(July 17, 2018) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. Their topic is the decline of the "middle child"...but there's more to the story. Fr. Paul has the facts. Fr. Sullins is a sociologist and associate researcher at the...

Jul 13, 2018

(July 13, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They're discussing secular arguments for strengthening marriageā€¦and why they're not enough.

Jul 9, 2018

(July 9, 2018) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin's guest on Issues, Etc. They're discussing the New York Times' op-ed calling for the Catholic Church to "evolve" its stance on LGBT issues to maintain its "moral authority."


Jul 6, 2018

(July 6, 2018) Dr J is once again Teresa Tomeo's guest on Catholic Connection. They're discussing the recent study provocatively titled, "Women Find Sexist Men More Attractive." (The Daily Mail reports in some detail