Feb 26, 2011
(February 23, 2011) Dr J travels to Wisconsin to speak to a group of seminarians on the 2009 bishops' letter "Love, Life, and the Divine Plan," which outlines four threats to marriage. Afterward, she fields questions on the subject matter.
Feb 25, 2011
(January 11, 2011) Dr J guests on "A Body of Truth" with Father Loya to discuss her book "Smart Sex" in the context of marriage, family, and the theology of the body.
Feb 24, 2011
(February 4, 2011) Thanks to the Son Rise Morning Show and Sacred Heart Radio for sharing their interview with Sister Jane Dominic of Aquinas College with our podcast. She speaks on the college's upcoming conference, Love & Life in the Divine Plan, on February 25th...
Feb 17, 2011
(February 15, 2011) Dr J and Todd Wilken meet on Issues, Etc. to discuss her recent trip to Rhode Island, where some members of the legislature are trying to ram through same-sex marriage. They also discuss the upcoming conference in Nashville at Aquinas College: it's called Love, Life, and the Divine Plan.