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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Jul 23, 2012

(May 29, 2012) Dr J and Todd Wilken meet on Issues, Etc to discuss the Catholic response to the HHS mandate concerning contraception.

Jul 21, 2012

(June 5, 2012) Dr J appears on Issues, Etc to give an update on the Proposition 8 federal trial proceedings...

Jul 20, 2012

(June 12, 2012) Dr J and Todd Wilken meet on Issues, Etc to discuss that study that keeps popping up claiming "children of gay parents do just as well as children of straight parents." Early in June 2012, a couple of studies came out that asked the children of homosexual parents exactly that question. Want to hear what...

Jul 19, 2012

(June 26, 2012) Dr J and Todd Wilken meet on Issues, Etc to discuss the Fortnight for Religious Liberty in the context of HHS-mandated contraception funding by Catholic organizations.

Jul 18, 2012

(July 3, 2012) We haven't had any of Dr J's Issues, Etc interviews on here for a while, but she's still giving them as regularly as ever! In this one, she and Todd Wilken discuss parenting developments in California--the state is considering removing the two parent limit.