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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Apr 27, 2012

(April 25, 2012) Dr J, Jim McGlone, and Anne Morse are all guests of Sheila Liaugminas on Relevant Radio's "A Closer Look." They're discussing the marriage and life issues--specifically in the context of student initiatives on the positive side. Jim McGlone is president of Harvard True Love Revolution and Harvard Right...

Apr 26, 2012

(March 31, 2012) Dr J speaks at Wilberforce Weekend, a conference encouraging Chrsitians to break the spiral of silence on issues such as the sanctity of human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom. The conference is led by the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

Apr 25, 2012

(March 29, 2012) Dr J speaks at Harvard True Love Revolution on her book Smart Sex: Finding Love in a Hook-up World.

Apr 19, 2012

(March 23, 2012) Jim Garlow, senior pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church and chairman of Renewing American Leadership in Washington D.C., speaks on unmuzzling the pulpit at the religious liberty rally in San Diego, California--part of a nation-wide swell that included 140 rallies that day. Check out our podcast stream to...

Apr 19, 2012

(March 23, 2012) Rick Scarborough, author and president of Vision America, speaks on interdenominational cooperation at the religious liberty rally in San Diego, California--part of a nation-wide swell that included 140 rallies that day. Check out our podcast stream to hear the other speakers.