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The Ruth Institute Podcast

Jul 29, 2019

(July 26, 2019) Dr J is once again Molly Smith's guest on Salem Radio's "From the Median." They're discussing how various American professional societies are promoting sexual deviance of all kinds…which will result in further destruction of the family. The American Psychological Association is prominently involved,...

Jul 27, 2019

(July 26, 2019) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin's guest on Issues, Etc. They're discussing the American Psychological Association's promotion of "consensual non-monogamy and relationship anarchy," which just…sound great, don't...

Jul 26, 2019

(July 26, 2019) Dr J is once again a guest on Ave Maria Radio's Catholic Connection, where she's speaking with host Teresa Tomeo about current events in culture and politics. They're discussing power plays with business organizations and professional associations on sexual revolutionary topics, specifically the "Gender...

Jul 25, 2019

(July 25, 2019) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They're discussing the eucharist: what it means to hold the Catholic belief of transubstantiation. This is in the context of a recent poll of Americans on various religious beliefs...

Jul 23, 2019

(July 23, 2019) Dr J is invited to speak at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Erath, Louisiana by Fr. Metrejean. Her talk is entitled "Making the Case for Traditional Catholic Sexual Morality."

PowerPoint slides are available for this presentation over at our website,...